Articles By This Author

Politics Video

Sisi: Egypt’s waters are untouchable, and touching them is a red line (video)

Al-Sisi: The waters of Egypt are untouched, and touching them is a red line, and our reaction in case of touching a drop of water

People's Voices

A week to blog about women’s issues in Egypt

From today and for a week, we will start a campaign to write about women’s issues in Egypt, we invite you to participate in it

Arab affairs

Lifting house arrest for Abdullah Hamdok

The protesting Sudanese people are imposing their word.. the house arrest of Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok has been lifted, and hundreds of thousands of

Justice and Judgment

Life and hard prison sentences for 4 accused of rape

Yesterday, Tuesday, the North Cairo Criminal Court issued two very important verdicts in sexual assault cases that opened recently through social media. The first was

Justice and Judgment

Prison sentences against Ziad Al-Alimi, Hisham Fouad, Hossam Mounes and others… Where is the political breakthrough?

Yesterday, the Emergency Supreme State Security Court in Old Cairo sentenced former lawyer and parliamentarian Ziad El-Alimi to 5 years in prison, in addition to

Justice and Judgment

Alaa Abdel Fattah’s fortieth birthday..a prisoner of all political systems

Yesterday, November 18, is the birthday of blogger and political activist Alaa Abdel-Fattah, who turns forty under inhuman conditions in prison, to say the least.


Penal Code Amendments.. Emergency Reproduction 2

Last Monday, the House of Representatives finally approved a bill to amend some articles of the Penal Code, with tougher penalties for “disclosing state defense


Abu Trika knot.. Q: Why does Amr Adib lie?

– During the past two days, the Egyptian social media was upside down because of Amr Adib’s statements on the Hekaya program, which criticize Al-Ahly

International Affairs Politics

An Egyptian-French military operation kills civilians while fighting terrorism on the western borders.. What is the story?

Two days ago, an investigative press report published by the French website “Disclose” revealed that Egypt used intelligence information provided by France through a secret

Arab affairs

Hamdok is free.. The first steps of the Sudanese to defeat the military coup

Today in Sudan, the commander of the Sudanese army, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, signed a political agreement with the legitimate Prime Minister, Abdullah Hamdok; With the aim